Delayed Dismissal Procedures
Each day, school administrators are expected to monitor weather conditions to ensure the safety of students. A delayed dismissal is necessitated by the presence of severe weather conditions that include lightning occurring within 6 miles of a school near dismissal time. When the school administrator activates the Delayed Dismissal (Weather) procedure, students shall be brought inside immediately to ensure their safety. Delayed dismissal for weather only applies during dismissal, severe weather occurring during regular school hours must be managed through the Severe Weather/Tornado procedure. When a delayed dismissal is activated, the school will cease the loading of buses, and return all students waiting to load buses to the inside of the school until the all clear is given. If students are already loaded on buses, the school will not release the bus to leave campus until the all clear is given. Additionally, the school will cease releasing car rider, bikers, and walkers. All students will return to the inside of the school until the all clear is given.
Delayed Dismissal Holding Areas
Bus Riders - Gymnasium
Walkers, Car Riders, and Bikers - Cafeteria