Maitland Middle School
Soaring to New Heights
Electronic Device Policy
Electronic devices include but not limited to: cell phones, iPods, handheld games, mp3 players
Electronic items must be powered off and concealed between the hours of 9:25 am-3:50 pm (2:50 pm on Wednesdays).
Teachers may allow students to use an electronic device in their classroom for academic purposes. When students leave the classroom, the electronic device must be off.
Inappropriate use of electronic devices are prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.
Electronic items that are seen, heard, or used during non-approved school hours will follow these guidelines:
- 1st Offense- warning
- 2nd Offense- confiscated by a teacher/administration, placed in a secure location, and returned to student by the end of the class period
- 3rd Offense- confiscate by administration, placed in a secure location, and returned to parent/guardian only
Beyond the 3rd infraction, will result in further administrative action.
In accordance with the OCPS electronics policy, MMS will not be held liable or responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged electronic items.
The Administration reserves the right to adjust or change any policy if an item is deemed inappropriate for the school environment.