Middle School Students' Developmental Needs
Middle school is an exciting, yet challenging time for students, their parents and teachers. During this passage from childhood to adolescence, middle school students are characterized by a need to explore a variety of interests, connecting their learning in the classroom to its practical application in life and work; high levels of activity coupled with frequent fatigue due to rapid growth; a search for their own unique identity as they begin turning more frequently to peers rather than parents for ideas and affirmation; extreme sensitivity to the comments from others; and heavy reliance on friends to provide comfort, understanding and approval.
OCPS Middle School Counselors
Middle school counselors have master's degrees and are certified in school counseling. Middle school counselors are integral to the total educational program and provide proactive leadership in the delivery of programs and services to help students achieve success in school. As a member of a school team, a counselor provides a comprehensive guidance program for students in grades 6 - 8. The school counselor guides and counsels groups and individual students through the development of educational and career plans; counsels small groups and individual students with problems; consults with teachers, staff and parents regarding meeting the developmental needs of students and refers students with severe problems to appropriate community resources in consultation with their parents.
If you have any questions or concerns for your child relative to guidance or scheduling, please contact either of our school counselors at the extensions below.