

Principal's Message

Welcome to Maitland Middle School
Home of the Golden Hawks!


Golden Hawk Family,

Maitland Middle School is a wonderful school committed to providing the highest quality educational experience for each student.  Educators are committed to being role models for students and work collaboratively to support the needs of students. Students are expected to adhere to all rules and procedures. Together with parents and the community, Maitland Middle School will continue to “Soar to New Heights”.

If you need assistance at any time please speak to your teachers, administrators, or guidance counselor.  We will do our best to ensure that you feel welcomed and each student achieves academic excellence while attending Maitland Middle School.

Parents, are you looking to get involved at Maitland Middle School? If you are interested in volunteering in a classroom or chaperoning a school trip you MUST be an approved Additions Volunteer.  The form is online and takes just a few minutes to complete.  It takes as little as 72 hours for an application to be approved and an application must be completed each school year. Visit the following link ( to get started!  

Finally, do not hesitate to call or email any concerns you have regarding educational issues.  I will continue to send frequent Connect Orange messages (phone calls) to update everyone on all the wonderful things happening at Maitland Middle School.  If you have not received any phone calls from the school, please call (407-623-1462 ext. 5172232) so that we can make sure to update our list.

Eric E. Lundman


Follow us on social media:
Facebook: Maitland Middle School_OCPS
Instagram: maitlandms_ocps
X(Twitter): MaitlandMS_OCPS

Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

School Hours:

9:30am – 4:04pm (M, T, Th, & F)

9:30am – 2:54pm (W)

Important Quick Links

Instructions For Completing Consent Forms in Skyward

Student Code of Conduct and Dress Code (page 46)

YMCA Before and After School Zone Registration Link

Volunteering and Mentoring


Recent News

Click Here to View Our Community Briefing: 

 View Prior Weekly Updates

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