Parents, are you looking to get involved at Maitland Middle School?
We are always looking for interested parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who can provide a few hours of community service to our students. There are many opportunities to peak your interest. You might want to join us in the Media Center helping our students choose their next favorite author. Perhaps your skills in a foreign language can help a student to learn your native tongue. We are always looking for professionals to spend the day with us at Teach-In in November where you can spread the word about your career and what our students need to be doing now to build marketable skills for the future.
If you are interested in volunteering in a classroom, chaperoning a school trip, or eating lunch with your child on a special day, you must be an approved ADDitions Volunteer. The good news is that the form is online and takes just a few minutes to complete. It takes as little as 72 hours before an application is approved. Click on the link below to get started on a rewarding volunteer experience!
CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer at MMS.
click (on the left) School Volunteers
click (in the middle) Online Application
input Social Security Number and birthdate
- If you have been a registered volunteer in the past, it will bring up last year's application. Simply update the form and submit for approval. Please note that this form must be updated and re-submitted every school year.
- If you have not been a registered volunteer, it will be a blank application and you will need to fill in all of the questions.
This application is required before you can be eligible to chaperone any field trips or school-sponsored events. When volunteering for field trips please make sure you do the following:
1. Submit the #1 - Become an ADDitions School Volunteer 2023-24 with MAITLAND MIDDLE application.
2. Submit the Field Trip Chaperone - Daytime 2023-24 with Maitland Middle application.
3. Select the box to chaperone on your student's permission slip and return to the designated teacher(s).
4. Make your chaperone payment via SchoolPay before the deadline to secure your spot!
ADDitions and Business Partners In Education Coordinator